Invest For Kids, an annual investment conference/fundraising event, and Chicago Scholars, a nonprofit that helps low-income students graduate from college, have launched Emerge, a program that offers paid summer internships to college students from low-income families. Emerge started last summer with 20 students; this summer, it will place 100 students at Chicago-area professional services firms, government offices and nonprofits…

An investment management event that has arguably become one of Chicago’s biggest is about to pass an important milestone: $10 million raised for Chicago children’s charities over eight years. Invest for Kids, started by investment professionals Ron Levin and Ben Kovler in 2009, has become a not-to-be-missed event for many of their Chicago peers, and…

If you want an optimistic take on the U.S. and world economies, don’t look to Sam Zell. Speaking at an investment conference today, the billionaire Chicago investor suggested a recession may be on the horizon, decried the demographics of aging Europe and made it clear he thinks there’s not much upside left in commercial real…

Crain’s Chicago Business
“Invest for Kids flips the usual fundraiser format: it’s light on socializing and heavy on programming. The programming takes the form of investment tips from the industry’s elite, dispensed in saturated 15 minute presentations over four hours…Over the years, the format remained the same with some important adjustments. A big one this year: adding more…

“It was a record turnout of over 1200 for Chicago’s Invest For Kids charity event, a testament, perhaps, to investors’ thirst for new ideas in today’s frothy stock market…this year’s event provided plenty of star power and grist for the mill with occasional touches of dark humor.”