Mr. Richter is Chair of the Absolute Return Strategies Investment Committee, Co-Head of Absolute Return Strategies Research and serves on the Global Investment Council and the ESG Committee. He is also a member of the Strategic Investments Investment Committee. Mr. Richter approves portfolio allocations prior to implementation and shares responsibility for the evaluation, selection and monitoring of absolute return investment strategies and investment managers. Prior to joining GCM Grosvenor, he was the Founder and Managing Partner of Waveland Capital Management, L.P., a U.S. long/short equity hedge fund affiliated with GCM Grosvenor. Previously, he was a Manager with KPMG Peat Marwick, and then a Vice President of JMB Realty Corporation in the Corporate Acquisitions Group. Mr. Richter graduated summa cum laude with his Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Certified Public Accountant and received the national AICPA Elijah Watt Sells Award from the American Institute of CPAs for his scores on the Uniform CPA Examination.